Ya tiene seguro médico? Le falta menos de 24 para aplicar!

Less than 24 hours to sign up for health insurance at @coveredca don’t be left out! 👍🙏.

Menos de 24 horas para que usted aplique para su seguro médico, NO se quede afuera! 👍🙏.

Follow the link for more information about the Covered California website: it can at be by phone, in person or online


Nota Sobre Contacto de Sarampion en LAX


En enero existió el contacto de una persona en LAX con sarampion. Se comenta con el equipo de Noticias 62 de EstrellaTV la importancia de este suceso, prevencion y monitoreo de esta enfermedad.

Para mas informacion https://www.healthychildren.org/spanish/safety-prevention/immunizations/paginas/how-to-protect-your-children-during-a-measles-outbreak.aspx

Confirman en EEUU primer caso del letal coronavirus que ha dejado varios muertos en China


Los Centros para la Prevención de Enfermedades informaron que un hombre del estado de Washington dio positivo a las pruebas de la misteriosa enfermedad respiratoria que se originó en Asia. El número de fallecidos subió a nueve y el de personas contagiadas a 400 en China donde las autoridades sanitarias advirtieron que podría “mutar” y propagarse aún más fácilmente.

Sabes que son los ACE’s y que esta pasando en California?

ACE’s y toxic stress #APrimeraHora con @annabellesedano con @Univision hablando de la nueva oportunidad en California para que su medico evalue y lo ayude de una manera integral. La Dr Mona Patel de @ChildrensLA en conjunto con @ameracadpeds (@AAPCA2) a abogando por el bienestar de nuestros hijos!

ACE’s y toxic stress🌪️ A Primera Hora LA with Annabelle Sedano @ Univision talking about the New California Law that will help parents, children and adults to assess for a integrative holistic evaluation and help. Dr Mona Patel from CHLA has been a leader with the American Academy of Pediatrics advocating for the wellness of our Kids!

Follow this link for the initial ACE’s program


#ACES #California #Univision #DrMonaPatel #AAP

Coronavirus what do we know today?

Where? Started in #China 🇨🇳 (Whuhan) in a market, now we have at least confirmed cases in the US 🇺🇸.
Why is it that we hearing about this virus? Viruses are everywhere, the problem is when a virus that usually infects other animals starts infecting humans. As humans we do not have a lot of natural defences to protect against this type of virus. This can lead to an #outbreak of this disease.
How does it present?Most of the cases have cold like symptoms and evolves to pneumonia.

What do we do to protect ourselves? Washing hands, making sure that we are coughing 🤧 to our elbows and not to our hands. There are active measures to detect people that are sick in major airports and the @CDCgov has started a program to detect the infection. Prevention is a key factor to stop the infection.

I was in contact with someone that has it or I’m worry that I have it, what do I do? The cases have been mild to severe, if you think that you have it or you are exposed to it, were a mask and contact your doctor.

For more information please go to https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

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