Exigen vacunas para migrantes


En esta época de Influenza, se ha negado el acceso a vacunación 💉a inmigrantes en centros de detención. Esto crea un foco problemático el cual puede llevar a problemas severos, ya vimos el año pasado la muerte de 3 menores por Influenza. Gracias ESTRELLA TV con Wendy Castillo (@wendycastillo90) por comentar sobre este importante tema. 👍💉

In this Influenza season, the vaccination has been denied to immigrants that are on the detention centers. This creates a problematic area that can start sever complications, as we already witness last year when 3 kids died from Influenza. Thank you ESTRELLA TV con Wendy Castillo (@wendycastillo90) for sharing information about this problem. 👍💉

Vaping: What do we know today?

Click para ver el Video completo / Click to view the Video

Hoy en dia la #tecnología nos ha ayudado a mejorar nuestra vida pero tenemos que ser claros que el #Vaping definitivamente está creando problemas en nuestra salud, jóvenes están teniendo acceso a la #nicotina (#veneno) y muchos de ellos utiliza esto como puente a terminar #fumando y #adictos al #tabaco. Estamos apenas entendiendo los efectos secundarios y la ramificación de lo que está pasando con el vapeo. Más de 1,000 casos se han detectado y se siguen incrementando. Cuidece a usted y a su familia: NO LOS UTILICE

Por favor siga la liga en el profile para un par de ligas donde se explica con más detalle lo que está pasando.

Today #technology has been improving our lives, but let’s be clear that #Vaping has created a lot of health problems, our youth is starting to use #nicotine (#poison) and this has created an addiction bridge to start #smoking #tobacco products. We are starting to understand the secondary effects and ramifications of vaping. More than 1,000 cases have been directly linked and this number continues to increase. Take care of yourself and your family: DON’T USE THEM

Please follow the link in the profile to have access to links that go deeper in what is currently happening

Thank you @Univision, @ClaudiaBotero and  @LeonKrauze from #AlPuntoCalifornia for the opportunity to share this with our community

On demand informacion form the CDC https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/severe-lung-disease.html

Information for parents: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/teen/substance-abuse/Pages/E-cigarettes.aspx

California local resource on everything: from general stuff to how to quit https://www.flavorshookkids.org/

Original Univision Video: https://www.univision.com/local/los-angeles-kmex/al-punto-california/como-si-le-estuvieran-echando-fuego-a-los-pulmones-el-peligro-de-usar-cigarrillos-electronicos-segun-un-experto-video

Parent tips on how to talk about current news about Natural and Manmade Disasters / Tips para padres de como platicar sobre los noticias de desastres naturales y producidos por el hombre


As a parent, there are difficult conversation to have with your kids. We have the classic ones (aka flowers and the bees, by the way I have no idea who thought of that) and now with natural or manmade events. Remember please 4 things:

    1. We have our own fears, traumas and conversations in our minds, the question that she/he is asking could be much simpler that you think.
  2. Limit news exposure
    1. Visual and Sound media can be disturbing creating a long time repercussion on our children health.
  3. Be honest
    1. When a disaster occurs, it is “ok” to express to our kids that we do worry (G-d only knows how often).  We need to tell them the truth without pushing details (“the blood was…”, etc).
  4. Observe yourself and your children
    1. When bad things happen around us, we can start feeling and acting differently. Be ready to look for subtle things  that can show us that something is going the wrong way

Please when in doubt, consult your pediatrician or behavioral health provider, and the sooner with catch them the sooner the healing process will start

Como padre, hay conversaciones difíciles que se pueden tener con los hijos. Tenemos las clásicas (ej de donde vienen los bebes, en ingles “las flores y las abejas”, que, por cierto, no tengo idea quien se le ocurrió eso) y ahora los nuevos eventos naturales y producidos por el hombre. Recuerde 4 cosas:

Follow the link at the profile to view the radio (#1020am KTNQ @ktnq1020 “La Voz de Los Angeles”) and TV interviews (#APrimeraHora y #EdicionDigital) for more information

    1. Nosotros tenemos nuestros propios miedos, traumas y conversaciones en nuestra mente, la pregunta de su hij@ puede ser mucho más sencilla de lo que se imagina.
  2. Limite la exposición a noticias
    1. Las imágenes y sonidos pueden ser perturbadoras que pueden crear repercusiones a largo plazo a la salud mental de su hij@
  3. Sea honost@
    1. Cuando hay un desastre, está “bien” expresarle a su hij@ que nosotros también nos preocupamos (Solamente D-os sabe cuánto). Necesitamos decirles la verdad sin entrar en detalles (“la sangre estaba…”, etc.)
  4. Monitorice a usted y a su hij@
    1. Cuando cosas malas suceden alrededor de nosotros, nos podemos sentir y actuar diferente. Este listo para buscar cambios sutiles que indiquen que algo está mal.

Por favor, cuando tenga duda de lo que esté pasando consulte a su pediatra o especialista en salud mental, entre más rápido podamos detectar el problema, más pronto podremos comenzar a sanar

Por favor para más información puede seguir la liga en el perfil para escuchar la entrevista en la radio (#1020am KTNQ @ktnq1020 “La Voz de Los Angeles”) y la televisión (#APrimeraHora y #EdicionDigital)

Para Mas informacion: https://www.healthychildren.org/spanish/healthy-living/emotional-wellness/paginas/talking-to-children-about-disasters.aspx


Bariatric Surgery Recommendations for Pediatric Patients: new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics

Podcast link: https://lnns.co/LvTMJKx8sHD

This Morning at Buenos Dias America had a great conversation with Andreina Garnica about the new guidelines for weight management surgery in Pediatric Patients. Also, would like to share some links from the American Academy of Pediatrics if you are looking for more information.

El Dia de Hoy en Buenos Dias America tuve una gran conversación con Andreina Garnica sobre los nuevos lineamientos del manejo de peso por medio de cirugía en Pacientes Pediátricos. Ademas, me gustaría compartir la liga de la Academia Americana de Pediatría por si necesita usted más información del tema.

You can find the policy statement, “Pediatric Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery: Evidence, Barriers, and Best Practices” here: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2019/10/24/peds.2019-3223

An AAP News article by lead author Dr. Sarah Armstrong is here: https://www.aappublications.org/news/2019/10/27/bariatricsurgery102719

Dissolving Influenza Myths

Mito o realidad: La vacuna de la “gripe” me enferma. En realidad NO HAY FORMA. La vacuna inyectada es un virus muerto. El problema queda en como nos referimos a la vacuna, esta diseñada para protegernos contra la INFLUENZA no contra todas las gripas/catarros habidos en el mundo (desgraciadamente es normal que tengamos un par de catarros al año). La vacuna de la Influenza l@ a proteger contra ella y sus complicaciones.

Myth or reality: The flu vaccine can get me sick. In reality THERE IS NO WAY. The vaccination given is a killed virus. The problem is how we express ourselves about the vaccine, it is design to protect us against INFLUENZA and not against all colds/flus known to man (and sadly it is normal to get a couple of cold episodes a year). The Influenza Vaccine helps prevent the infections and/or the complications of it.



Everything started 44 weeks ago. Our life changed since that moment…  My wife showed the power of life, today, after 8 hours  of labour  that ended up  in a C/-section , If my wife tells me that she has pain, I WILL BELIEVE  HER! Anyway, going back to the topic, I have been part of deliveries and C- Section for at least 8 years, when you see your loved one, the monitor and the pain, face to face, everything changes. We went more than 39 weeks, we had an induction and after 8 hours of continuing labour ended in C/s, with a smile in everybody, having no complications for my wife or our daughter…

That was was the beginning of an idea… Trying to correlate the “teachings” and education that I have gave to all my patients, families and friends. My first clash with reality was “breast is best”, but really we undermine the importance of having previous information, motivational and equipment to accomplish that. We did have a double problem, my baby was coombs positive and this was our first time breastfeeding.

As a pediatrician, one of the simple things in life is, in this cases, to offer “more food” to have urine and bowel movements in order to decrease the “bili” levels, for does how choose formula is an a straight protocol, from bottle to mouth, but when you are breastfeeding and you only recover 2ml of colostrum (and I need to confess, is really hard to collect every drop, and sometimes, in the darkness of the room, once I drop the container, losing that priceless material)… The colostrum is the main source of energy to any newborn, enough to make them continue ticking, of when you actually need bowel movements and you have risk factors (and only breastfeeding) you need to be disciplined enough (we were waking up every 2 hours), and as every body knows, is not “2 real hours”, 1 hour of breastfeeding/waking up 1 hour of real life…

Any way… For the first week I have learn that:

1) Breastfeeding is important and can be done, but society, pediatricians and the family need to be motivated!

2) Family support is a key factor to success

3) I don’t know how created newborn clothing.. They are simply not smart.

4) Probably there is a correlation in pediatrics only, “the more kids you have, the better Peds doctor you are…”

5) How do you “sleep” the last month of pregnancy if you have everything in your mind plus you can actually wake up having your baby already delivered in your bed (that was my nightmare!!!)

I will try to post the crazy/interesting/facts/etc that I’m learning, THE UNOFFICIAL MANUAL ON HOW A PEDIATRICIAN BECOMES A FATHER

Consumidores no aprovechan la información de calorías en la carta de menú

Thanks to Mr Miramontes from Al Rojo Vivo @Telemundo

Consumidores no aprovechan la información de calorías en la carta de menú (Video Link)

Here is the FDA website that has great resources, also if you are ready to start the Health Journey, you can use a great free app myfitnesspal. If your willing to invest some dollars (TOTALLY WORTH IT) Noom that will give the entire ecosystem or for a more advance medical system Omada

If you have already used one of them or have more apps to share, please share it @Dr_Shaps (instagram / twitter) or in Facebook

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